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Menu and Interface5.3 Lite Graph

Lite Graph - ComfyUI Settings Menu

ComfyUI Interface Settings

This chapter introduces the canvas and graph-related settings in ComfyUI. These settings help you customize and optimize your workflow editing experience.


Maximum FPS

Controls the maximum refresh rate of the canvas. Setting it to 0 means no FPS limit.

Snap to Grid

  • Always snap to grid: When enabled, nodes will automatically align to the grid when moved.
  • Grid size: Sets the size of the grid, default value is 10.

Fast-zoom Shortcut

When enabled, you can use Ctrl + Shift + Left Mouse Button (drag up/down) to quickly zoom the canvas.

Graph Canvas Menu

Hide or show the canvas menu in the bottom right corner of the interface. ComfyUI Canvas Menu

Canvas Zoom Speed

Controls the zoom speed when using the mouse wheel. Higher values result in faster zooming of the workflow and interface.

Show Canvas Info

Displays canvas information (such as FPS) in the bottom left corner. ComfyUI Canvas Info


Sets how connections between nodes are displayed ComfyUI Link Render Mode The link render modes include:

  1. Straight
  2. Linear
  3. Spline
  4. Hidden

Link visibility can be quickly toggled through the Canvas Menu


ComfyUI Node Group

Double Click Group Title to Edit

When enabled, you can edit group titles by double-clicking them. As shown in the image, number 1 indicates the editable state of the group title.

Group Selected Nodes Padding

Sets the internal padding for grouped nodes, as shown by number 2 in the image. When you select multiple nodes and group them using Ctrl + G, this value determines the default padding.

ComfyUI Link Midpoint This option affects the style of link midpoint markers, with three display options:

  1. None
  2. Circle
  3. Arrow

These settings configure quick actions when releasing connections, with different behaviors based on whether the Shift key is held:

  1. Context Menu

Brings up a context menu with quick actions and compatible nodes for the current node’s output/input connections.

  1. Search Box

Opens a search box that includes the current output/input conditions for quick filtering of compatible nodes.

  1. None No action is taken.

Sets the action when releasing a connection while holding Shift

Sets the action when releasing a connection without any modifier keys

Invert Context Menu Scrolling

Changes the scrolling direction of the right-click menu.



Many settings in this section weren’t clearly understood during testing. If you understand how these features work, please feel free to add explanations in the comments. Most of these are convenience and shortcut settings, so keeping them at default values is generally fine.

DOM Element Clipping

Enable DOM element clipping (may affect performance).

Middle-click Creates Reroute Node

Use middle mouse button click to create new reroute nodes.

Links connected to a node won’t be automatically deleted when the node is removed. Attempts to reconnect all input and output links when deleting a node (similar to bypassing the node).

Snap Highlights Node

Shows highlight indicators when nodes snap to the grid.

Automatically snaps connections to the nearest node slot.

Enable Tooltips

Shows hover tooltips for nodes.

Node Badges

Node Life Cycle Badge

Shows the node’s lifecycle state.

Node ID Badge

Displays unique node identifiers, showing labels like #1 to indicate the order in which nodes were added to the workflow.

Node Source Badge

Shows the source information, indicating which custom node the node comes from.

Double Click Node Title to Edit

When enabled, allows editing node titles by double-clicking them.

Node Widget

Float Widget Settings

  • Decimal places: Sets the number of decimal places shown (0 for automatic).
  • Disable default rounding: Disables the default rounding behavior for float values.

Disable Node Widget Sliders

In ComfyUI nodes, when a node option is of type Float, you can click and drag the input arrows to quickly adjust values. Enabling this option will disable the slider functionality.

Preview Image Format

When displaying images in components, you can set this option to convert preview images to lighter formats for smoother interface performance. Supported formats: webp, jpeg, webp;50, etc.


Double Click Interval

Sets the maximum time interval for recognizing double-click events (default 300 milliseconds).

Pointer Click Drift (Beta)

  • Click drift delay: 150 milliseconds
  • Maximum drift distance: 6 pixels

Reroute Beta

Enable Reroute Beta Test

When enabled, you can hold the Alt key (Option key on Mac) and click on node connections to quickly add a junction point. See the video below for demonstration: