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Nodes ManualAdvancedloadersLoad Checkpoint With Config (DEPRECATED)

Load Checkpoint With Config (DEPRECATED)

comfyUI节点-Load Checkpoint With Config(DEPRECATED)|Checkpoint加载器(已弃用)


  • Class name: CheckpointLoader
  • Category: advanced/loaders
  • Output node: False

The CheckpointLoader node is designed for advanced loading operations, specifically to load model checkpoints along with their configurations. It facilitates the retrieval of model components necessary for initializing and running generative models, including configurations and checkpoints from specified directories.

Input types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
config_nameCOMBO[STRING]Specifies the name of the configuration file to be used. This is crucial for determining the model’s parameters and settings, affecting the model’s behavior and performance.
ckpt_nameCOMBO[STRING]Indicates the name of the checkpoint file to be loaded. This directly influences the state of the model being initialized, impacting its initial weights and biases.

Output types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
modelMODELRepresents the primary model loaded from the checkpoint, ready for further operations or inference.
clipCLIPProvides the CLIP model component, if available and requested, loaded from the checkpoint.
vaeVAEDelivers the VAE model component, if available and requested, loaded from the checkpoint.