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Nodes ManualImageImage Composite Masked

Image Composite Masked



  • Class name: ImageCompositeMasked
  • Category: image
  • Output node: False The ImageCompositeMasked node is designed for compositing images, allowing for the overlay of a source image onto a destination image at specified coordinates, with optional resizing and masking.

Input types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
destinationIMAGEThe destination image onto which the source image will be composited. It serves as the background for the composite operation.
sourceIMAGEThe source image to be composited onto the destination image. This image can optionally be resized to fit the destination image’s dimensions.
xINTThe x-coordinate in the destination image where the top-left corner of the source image will be placed.
yINTThe y-coordinate in the destination image where the top-left corner of the source image will be placed.
resize_sourceBOOLEANA boolean flag indicating whether the source image should be resized to match the destination image’s dimensions.
maskMASKAn optional mask that specifies which parts of the source image should be composited onto the destination image. This allows for more complex compositing operations, such as blending or partial overlays.

Output types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
imageIMAGEThe resulting image after the compositing operation, which combines elements of both t