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Nodes ManualImageImage Pad For Outpainting

Pad Image for Outpainting

comfyUI节点-Pad Image for Outpainting|外补画板


  • Class name: ImagePadForOutpaint
  • Category: image
  • Output node: False

This node is designed for preparing images for the outpainting process by adding padding around them. It adjusts the image dimensions to ensure compatibility with outpainting algorithms, facilitating the generation of extended image areas beyond the original boundaries.

Input types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
imageIMAGEThe ‘image’ input is the primary image to be prepared for outpainting, serving as the base for padding operations.
leftINTSpecifies the amount of padding to add to the left side of the image, influencing the expanded area for outpainting.
topINTDetermines the amount of padding to add to the top of the image, affecting the vertical expansion for outpainting.
rightINTDefines the amount of padding to add to the right side of the image, impacting the horizontal expansion for outpainting.
bottomINTIndicates the amount of padding to add to the bottom of the image, contributing to the vertical expansion for outpainting.
featheringINTControls the smoothness of the transition between the original image and the added padding, enhancing the visual integration for outpainting.

Output types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
imageIMAGEThe output ‘image’ represents the padded image, ready for the outpainting process.
maskMASKThe output ‘mask’ indicates the areas of the original image and the added padding, useful for guiding the outpainting algorithms.