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Nodes ManualAdvancedconditioningCLIP Text Encode SDXL

CLIP Text Encode SDXL

comfyUI Node-CLIPTextEncodeSDXLRefiner|CLIP文本编码SDXL(Refiner)


  • Class name: CLIPTextEncodeSDXL
  • Category: advanced/conditioning
  • Output node: False

This node is designed to encode text inputs using the CLIP model specifically tailored for the SDXL architecture. It focuses on converting textual descriptions into a format that can be effectively utilized for generating or manipulating images, leveraging the capabilities of the CLIP model to understand and process text in the context of visual content.

CLIPTextEncodeSDXL Input types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
clipCLIPThe CLIP model instance used for encoding the text. It plays a vital role in processing the text input and converting it into a format suitable for image generation or manipulation tasks.
widthINTSpecifies the width of the image in pixels. It determines the dimensions of the output image generated or manipulated.
heightINTSpecifies the height of the image in pixels. It determines the dimensions of the output image generated or manipulated.
crop_wINTDefines the width of the crop area in pixels. This parameter is used to crop the image to a specific width before processing.
crop_hINTDefines the height of the crop area in pixels. This parameter is used to crop the image to a specific height before processing.
target_widthINTThe target width for the output image after processing. It allows for resizing the image to a desired width.
target_heightINTThe target height for the output image after processing. It allows for resizing the image to a desired height.
text_gSTRINGThe global textual description to be encoded. This input is crucial for generating the corresponding visual representations and understanding the content described.
text_lSTRINGThe local textual description to be encoded. This input provides additional detail or context to the global description, enhancing the specificity of the generated or manipulated image.

CLIPTextEncodeSDXL Output types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
conditioningCONDITIONINGThe output of the node, which includes the encoded text along with additional information necessary for image generation or manipulation tasks.