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Nodes ManualConditioning3d-modelsStable Zero 123 Conditioning Batched

Stable Zero 123 Conditioning Batched



  • Class name: StableZero123_Conditioning_Batched
  • Category: conditioning/3d_models
  • Output node: False

This node is designed to process conditioning information in a batched manner specifically tailored for the StableZero123 model. It focuses on efficiently handling multiple sets of conditioning data simultaneously, optimizing the workflow for scenarios where batch processing is crucial.

Input types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
clip_visionCLIP_VISIONThe CLIP vision embeddings that provide visual context for the conditioning process.
init_imageIMAGEThe initial image to be conditioned upon, serving as a starting point for the generation process.
vaeVAEThe variational autoencoder used for encoding and decoding images in the conditioning process.
widthINTThe width of the output image.
heightINTThe height of the output image.
batch_sizeINTThe number of conditioning sets to be processed in a single batch.
elevationFLOATThe elevation angle for 3D model conditioning, affecting the perspective of the generated image.
azimuthFLOATThe azimuth angle for 3D model conditioning, affecting the orientation of the generated image.
elevation_batch_incrementFLOATThe incremental change in elevation angle across the batch, allowing for varied perspectives.
azimuth_batch_incrementFLOATThe incremental change in azimuth angle across the batch, allowing for varied orientations.

Output types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
positiveCONDITIONINGThe positive conditioning output, tailored for promoting certain features or aspects in the generated content.
negativeCONDITIONINGThe negative conditioning output, tailored for demoting certain features or aspects in the generated content.
latentLATENTThe latent representation derived from the conditioning process, ready for further processing or generation steps.