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Menu and Interface5.4 Appearance

Appearance Menu - ComfyUI Settings Menu Description

ComfyUI Menu Appearance Settings

Color Palette

ComfyUI Color Theme The color palette is mainly used for the overall color theme configuration of ComfyUI, corresponding to the following menu functions:

  1. Switch ComfyUI theme
  2. Export the currently selected theme as a Json format
  3. Load custom theme configuration from a Json file
  4. Delete custom theme configuration

The currently preset themes mainly include:

  • Dark Theme
  • Light Theme
  • Arc Theme
  • Solarized Theme
  • Nord Theme
  • Github Style Theme

Preview of Preset Theme Styles

Dark Theme

ComfyUI Dark Theme

Light Theme

ComfyUI Light Theme

Arc Theme

ComfyUI Arc Theme

Solarized Theme

ComfyUI Solarized Theme

Nord Theme

ComfyUI Nord Theme

Github Style

ComfyUI Github Repository Theme

How to Customize ComfyUI Theme Styles

You can customize the ComfyUI styles by exporting and editing the default theme file. You can use a text editor or an IDE like VS Code to edit the corresponding Json file.

When editing, please ensure that the content format is correct, and the corresponding id names should be unique. Below is the Json of the exported ComfyUI Light theme interface, which you can refer to for modification. Additionally, since ComfyUI is constantly being updated, the configuration below may not be the latest version. It is recommended to export from the ComfyUI interface for modification.

  "id": "light",
  "name": "Light",
  "light_theme": true,
  "colors": {
    "node_slot": {
      "CLIP": "#FFA726",
      "CLIP_VISION": "#5C6BC0",
      "CLIP_VISION_OUTPUT": "#8D6E63",
      "CONDITIONING": "#EF5350",
      "CONTROL_NET": "#66BB6A",
      "IMAGE": "#42A5F5",
      "LATENT": "#AB47BC",
      "MASK": "#9CCC65",
      "MODEL": "#7E57C2",
      "STYLE_MODEL": "#D4E157",
      "VAE": "#FF7043",
      "NOISE": "#B0B0B0",
      "GUIDER": "#66FFFF",
      "SAMPLER": "#ECB4B4",
      "SIGMAS": "#CDFFCD",
      "TAESD": "#DCC274"
    "litegraph_base": {
      "BACKGROUND_IMAGE": "",
      "CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR": "lightgray",
      "NODE_TITLE_COLOR": "#222",
      "NODE_TEXT_SIZE": 14,
      "NODE_TEXT_COLOR": "#444",
      "NODE_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR": "#1e293b",
      "NODE_SUBTEXT_SIZE": 12,
      "NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR": "#F7F7F7",
      "NODE_BOX_OUTLINE_COLOR": "#000",
      "NODE_ERROR_COLOUR": "#E00",
      "DEFAULT_SHADOW_COLOR": "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)",
      "WIDGET_BGCOLOR": "#D4D4D4",
      "WIDGET_OUTLINE_COLOR": "#999",
      "WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR": "#222",
      "LINK_COLOR": "#4CAF50",
      "EVENT_LINK_COLOR": "#FF9800",
      "CONNECTING_LINK_COLOR": "#2196F3",
      "BADGE_FG_COLOR": "#000",
      "BADGE_BG_COLOR": "#FFF"
    "comfy_base": {
      "fg-color": "#222",
      "bg-color": "#DDD",
      "comfy-menu-bg": "#F5F5F5",
      "comfy-menu-hover-bg": "#ccc",
      "comfy-menu-secondary-bg": "#EEE",
      "comfy-input-bg": "#C9C9C9",
      "input-text": "#222",
      "descrip-text": "#444",
      "drag-text": "#555",
      "error-text": "#F44336",
      "border-color": "#888",
      "tr-even-bg-color": "#f9f9f9",
      "tr-odd-bg-color": "#fff",
      "content-bg": "#e0e0e0",
      "content-fg": "#222",
      "content-hover-bg": "#adadad",
      "content-hover-fg": "#222",
      "bar-shadow": "rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.25) 0 0 0.5rem"


Node Opacity

ComfyUI Appearance Settings - Node Opacity This option mainly affects the background color opacity of the node, with values ranging from 0.1 to 1, where a smaller value makes the background color more transparent.

Node Widget

Textarea Widget Font Size

ComfyUI Appearance Settings - Node Textarea Font Size

When the corresponding node has a textarea input, this option determines the font size of the textarea, with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 24.

ComfyUI Appearance Settings - Sidebar Size Sidebar size conditions:

  • Normal: Normal sidebar size
  • Small: Small sidebar size

Sidebar location: Left / Right

Tree Explorer

Tree Explorer Item Padding

ComfyUI Interface Menu - Sidebar Menu Padding Settings Set the padding for the sidebar menu, supporting padding settings from 0 to 8.