Upscale Image By

- Class name:
- Category:
- Output node:
The ImageScaleBy node is designed for upscaling images by a specified scale factor using various interpolation methods. It allows for the adjustment of the image size in a flexible manner, catering to different upscaling needs.
Input types
Parameter | Comfy dtype | Description |
image | IMAGE | The input image to be upscaled. This parameter is crucial as it provides the base image that will undergo the upscaling process. |
upscale_method | COMBO[STRING] | Specifies the interpolation method to be used for upscaling. The choice of method can affect the quality and characteristics of the upscaled image. |
scale_by | FLOAT | The factor by which the image will be upscaled. This determines the increase in size of the output image relative to the input image. |
Output types
Parameter | Comfy dtype | Description |
image | IMAGE | The upscaled image, which is larger than the input image according to the specified scale factor and interpolation method. |