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Crop Mask



  • Class name: CropMask
  • Category: mask
  • Output node: False

The CropMask node is designed for cropping a specified area from a given mask. It allows users to define the region of interest by specifying coordinates and dimensions, effectively extracting a portion of the mask for further processing or analysis.

Input types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
maskMASKThe mask input represents the mask image to be cropped. It is essential for defining the area to be extracted based on the specified coordinates and dimensions.
xINTThe x coordinate specifies the starting point on the horizontal axis from which the cropping should begin.
yINTThe y coordinate determines the starting point on the vertical axis for the cropping operation.
widthINTWidth defines the horizontal extent of the crop area from the starting point.
heightINTHeight specifies the vertical extent of the crop area from the starting point.

Output types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
maskMASKThe output is a cropped mask, which is a portion of the original mask defined by the specified coordinates and dimensions.