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Nodes ManualImagetransformImage Crop

Image Crop



  • Class name: ImageCrop
  • Category: image/transform
  • Output node: False

The ImageCrop node is designed for cropping images to a specified width and height starting from a given x and y coordinate. This functionality is essential for focusing on specific regions of an image or for adjusting the image size to meet certain requirements.

Input types

FieldComfy dtypeDescription
imageIMAGEThe input image to be cropped. This parameter is crucial as it defines the source image from which a region will be extracted based on the specified dimensions and coordinates.
widthINTSpecifies the width of the cropped image. This parameter determines how wide the resulting cropped image will be.
heightINTSpecifies the height of the cropped image. This parameter determines the height of the resulting cropped image.
xINTThe x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the cropping area. This parameter sets the starting point for the width dimension of the crop.
yINTThe y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the cropping area. This parameter sets the starting point for the height dimension of the crop.

Output types

FieldComfy dtypeDescription
imageIMAGEThe cropped image as a result of the cropping operation. This output is significant for further processing or analysis of the specified image region.