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Nodes ManualMaskFeather Mask

Feather Mask



  • Class name: FeatherMask
  • Category: mask
  • Output node: False

The FeatherMask node applies a feathering effect to the edges of a given mask, smoothly transitioning the mask’s edges by adjusting their opacity based on specified distances from each edge. This creates a softer, more blended edge effect.

Input types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
maskMASKThe mask to which the feathering effect will be applied. It determines the area of the image that will be affected by the feathering.
leftINTSpecifies the distance from the left edge within which the feathering effect will be applied.
topINTSpecifies the distance from the top edge within which the feathering effect will be applied.
rightINTSpecifies the distance from the right edge within which the feathering effect will be applied.
bottomINTSpecifies the distance from the bottom edge within which the feathering effect will be applied.

Output types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
maskMASKThe output is a modified version of the input mask with a feathering effect applied to its edges.