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Nodes ManualImagepreprocessorsCanny Node




  • Class name: Canny
  • Category: image/preprocessors
  • Output node: False

The Canny node is designed for edge detection in images, utilizing the Canny algorithm to identify and highlight the edges. This process involves applying a series of filters to the input image to detect areas of high gradient, which correspond to edges, thereby enhancing the image’s structural details.


ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
imageIMAGEThe input image to be processed for edge detection. It is crucial as it serves as the base for the edge detection operation.
low_thresholdFLOATThe lower threshold for the hysteresis procedure in edge detection. It determines the minimum intensity gradient considered for an edge, affecting the sensitivity of edge detection.
high_thresholdFLOATThe upper threshold for the hysteresis procedure in edge detection. It sets the maximum intensity gradient considered for an edge, influencing the selectivity of edge detection.


ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
imageIMAGEThe output is an image with highlighted edges, where the edges are detected using the Canny algorithm. This enhances the structural details of the original image.