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Nodes ManualLatenttransformCrop Latent

Crop Latent

comfyUI节点-Crop Latent|Latent裁剪


  • Class name: LatentCrop
  • Category: latent/transform
  • Output node: False

The LatentCrop node is designed to perform cropping operations on latent representations of images. It allows for the specification of the crop dimensions and position, enabling targeted modifications of the latent space.

Input types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
samplesLATENTThe ‘samples’ parameter represents the latent representations to be cropped. It is crucial for defining the data on which the cropping operation will be performed.
widthINTSpecifies the width of the crop area. It directly influences the dimensions of the output latent representation.
heightINTSpecifies the height of the crop area, affecting the size of the resulting cropped latent representation.
xINTDetermines the starting x-coordinate of the crop area, influencing the position of the crop within the original latent representation.
yINTDetermines the starting y-coordinate of the crop area, setting the position of the crop within the original latent representation.

Output types

ParameterComfy dtypeDescription
latentLATENTThe output is a modified latent representation with the specified crop applied.