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Nodes ManualLoadersunCLIP Checkpoint Loader




  • Class name: unCLIPCheckpointLoader
  • Category: loaders
  • Output node: False

The unCLIPCheckpointLoader node is designed for loading checkpoints specifically tailored for unCLIP models. It facilitates the retrieval and initialization of models, CLIP vision modules, and VAEs from a specified checkpoint, streamlining the setup process for further operations or analyses.

Input types

FieldComfy dtypeDescription
ckpt_nameCOMBO[STRING]Specifies the name of the checkpoint to be loaded, identifying and retrieving the correct checkpoint file from a predefined directory, determining the initialization of models and configurations.

Output types

FieldComfy dtypeDescriptionPython dtype
modelMODELRepresents the primary model loaded from the checkpoint.torch.nn.Module
clipCLIPRepresents the CLIP module loaded from the checkpoint, if available.torch.nn.Module
vaeVAERepresents the VAE module loaded from the checkpoint, if available.torch.nn.Module
clip_visionCLIP_VISIONRepresents the CLIP vision module loaded from the checkpoint, if available.torch.nn.Module