ComfyUI's Keyboard Shortcuts and Corresponding Functions

The table below explains the keyboard shortcuts and their corresponding functions in ComfyUI.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction Description
Ctrl + EnterAdd the current workflow to the image generation queue
Ctrl + Shift + EnterAdd the current workflow as the first one to the image generation queue
Ctrl + Z/Ctrl + YUndo/Redo
Ctrl + SSave the workflow
Ctrl + OLoad (Open) the workflow
Ctrl + ASelect all nodes
Alt + CCollapse/Expand the selected nodes
Ctrl + MMute/Unmute the current working node
Ctrl + BIgnore the selected nodes (prevents the corresponding nodes from participating in image generation)
Delete/BackspaceDelete the selected nodes
Ctrl + Delete/BackspaceDelete the current workflow
SpaceUse the mouse to drag the canvas
Ctrl/Shift + ClickAdd the clicked node to the selection
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + VCopy and paste the selected nodes (does not maintain the connections of the corresponding nodes with other unselected nodes)
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + Shift + VCopy and paste the selected nodes (maintains the connections of the corresponding nodes with other unselected nodes)
Shift + DragMove multiple selected nodes at the same time
Alt + DragCopy the selected nodes
Ctrl + DLoad the default workflow
QToggle the visibility of the image generation queue list
HToggle the visibility of the image generation history list
RRefresh the interface workflow
Double-click Mouse Left Button (LMB)Open the node quick search panel
Ctrl + Hold Mouse Left Button and DragSelect multiple nodes with a box selection

For macOS users, Ctrl can also be replaced with Command for use. If you find that the command key does not work when actually using it, you can check if it is caused by some browser plugins, or try switching to another browser to see the effect.For me on the Mac system, there are times when the "Command" key doesn't work, but the "Ctrl" key still functions normally.