Clip Text Encode Flux

CLIPTextEncodeFlux - ComfyUI Node

This node, named CLIPTextEncodeFlux, primarily functions to encode text and generate data for conditional control.

Node Functionality

Text Encoding: Uses the CLIP model to encode the text input in clip_l, capturing key features and semantic information from the text. Enhanced Text Understanding: Utilizes the T5XXL large language model to process the t5xxl input, potentially expanding or refining text descriptions to provide richer semantic information. Multimodal Fusion: Combines the processing results from CLIP and T5XXL to create a more comprehensive text representation. Generation Control: Adjusts the influence of text prompts on image generation through the guidance parameter, allowing users to find a balance between creative freedom and strict adherence to prompts. Conditional Data Generation: Outputs processed conditional data, which will be used in subsequent image generation processes to ensure that the generated images match the text descriptions.

Input Parameters Table

Parameter NameData TypeFunction
clipCLIPCLIP model object input, used for text encoding and processing, typically used with DualCLIPLoader
clip_lSTRINGMulti-line text input, enter text similar to tag information for CLIP model encoding
t5xxlSTRINGMulti-line text input, enter natural language prompt descriptions for T5XXL model encoding
guidanceFLOATFloating-point value, used to guide the generation process; higher values increase image-prompt matching but may reduce creativity

Output Parameters Table

Parameter NameData TypeFunction
CONDITIONINGConditionContains conditional data (cond) for subsequent conditional generation tasks

Usage Tips

  1. Although clip_l and t5xxl are used for inputting tags and natural language respectively, in practice, users might input the same text prompts for both to achieve desired effects. You can experiment with different inputs to compare results. For example, try entering tags like "Illustration style, film and television style" in clip_l, while inputting natural language like "A fantasy scene with a dragon and a unicorn" in t5xxl to see how you can achieve better results.

  2. For shorter prompts and requirements, setting guidance to 4 is a good choice. However, if your prompt content is longer or you want more creative content, setting guidance to 1.0~1.5 might be a better choice.